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Children Lying Down Together



Asian teacher giving her student a high five
Bear Mascot 3


2 - 17 months

Kids Running

5 years old

Baby smiling

18 months - 2 years old

Children Making Star Shape Cookies

6 years old

Toddler playing with Wooden Toys

3 years old

Child Playing

4 years old

Children talking together

7 - 12 years old

Children raising hand to answer

2 months - 6 years old

Baby Photo

18 Months - 2 Years old


2 Months -12 Years old

Toddler with Wooden Toys_edited_edited.j

3 Years old

Child Playing

4 Years old

Kids Running

5 Years old

Children Making Star Shape Cookies_edite

6 Years old

School Children

7-12 Years old

New Born Baby

2-17 Months

Newborn Baby

2-17 Months


Lion Mascot 2

Parents of Leniz Lew Xun Lei

Leniz从十八个月就开始在Cherie Hearts上学了,我们选择Cherie Hearts是因为这里的环境安全又卫生.Leniz从一开始年纪还小时只能用肢体语来表达自己,到现在沟上完全没有问题,我们都感到非常高兴.Leniz的语言能力很好,华语,英语和马来语都没有问题,让我们感到骄傲很欣慰.除此之外,Leniz也是一个独立和有纪律的好孩子.

Penguin Mascot 2

Parents of Tong Chien Che

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to every teacher for your hard work and encouragement that have been given to our son during his 2 years in Cherie Hearts International Preschool. He loves every minute of it and always comes home full of enthusiasm and stories to share with us. Thank you teacher for making Chien Che’s preschool years so wonderful and happy!

Racoon Mascot 2

Parents of Aoi Maeda

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality 3年間こちらの幼稚園に通いました。園長のエマ先生をはじめ、すべての先生方が親切で、子どもたちに寄り添い、熱心に教育してくださいました。勉強に力を入れてますが、アクティビティも多く、年に4回の遠足は親子でも楽しめるものでした。園内も清潔で安心できます。この幼稚園に通わせてよかったと思ってます。

Lion Mascot 4

Parents of Leniz Lew Xun Lei

Leniz从十八个月就开始在Cherie Hearts上学了,我们选择Cherie Hearts是因为这里的环境安全又卫生.Leniz从一开始年纪还小时只能用肢体语来表达自己,到现在沟上完全没有问题,我们都感到非常高兴.Leniz的语言能力很好,华语,英语和马来语都没有问题,让我们感到骄傲很欣慰.除此之外,Leniz也是一个独立和有纪律的好孩子.

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